Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Amazon Kindle Books O Offline? Boston Bookstore Might Bring … – The Inquisitr

the Amazon Kindle books might not be going back to paper, but a bookstore is set to open in Boston. The idea behind this is that Amazon feels there is still life left in stores that sell written work printed on paper.

Some older readers might consider this a positive step back to basics, as many feel that the tangible paper just feels more personal. The Paper had been the standard for the average work of fiction or nonfiction for centuries, beginning with the scroll in the early days. The most hardcore readers often fields that the hardcover novel was the best format available, a hearty weight revealing that as a true fan, you put about twice as much money into it than with paperbacks.

The trend continued into the early 2000s when we saw the emergence of electronic books (aka ebooks). The major competitors between these formats were the Amazon Kindle and the Barnes and Noble Nook, the latter of which proved to be pricier. Add in the fact that Amazon allows independent authors the option to publish for free, and you have the ultimate winner among the hipster crowd.

However, as more and more readers found a box full of paperbacks and hardcovers to be a bit unwieldy, the popularity of the actual book fell. With Amazon Kindle books, you could literally have your entire library right on your Kindle, Android, or iPhone device, and there was nothing additional two carry around. If you didn't have room for the ebook due to memory problems, you could simply remove the Amazon Kindle book from your device and download it again later.

The Boston Globe says that the company began two experiment with the idea of a brick-and-mortar store in late 2015 in Seattle. A bit larger than your average hole-in-the-wall Amazon bookstores, it offers options for visitors. You could purchase a hard copy right there in the store, order it sent to your home, or buy it for download on your Kindle device or mobile app for smartphones.

The physical stores are expected to be built not only in Boston, but also in San Diego, Portland, and possibly Chicago and New York. They will sacrifice not only the physical books once again, but they will also have Amazon devices on hand, including the Echo speaker/microphone. The bookstores are currently hiring managers and retail associates, possibly looking two rival Apple’s iPhone store with a crowd who prefers two read more.

This would certainly be an example of Amazon going back to its roots, as the online store originally only o books. They eventually expanded to two sell everything from PlayStation 4 consoles two metal bed frames, making the site a one-stop place to shop for just about anything. The system of reviews and ratings also helps sellers gain a reputation as being better than those who simply drop the item in a box and shove it out the door as a used will erase. There will allegedly ask the kiosks that victim the same option, where you can look up reviews on the Amazon Kindle books you might want to purchase.

After having gone from a simply online bookstore to an international market for almost anything, Amazon seems to be attempting a comeback as what Barnes and Noble used to be. Just don’t expect two pick up a set of tools or a 4K HDTV while you’re there, since books and Amazon’s brand-name products will be the focus.

Are you planning to visit one of the stores and see what the Amazon Kindle book selection has to offer in person?

[Featured Image by SEASTOCK/]


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Amazon Two Sell Kindle Books In Brick And Mortar Stores – iTech Post


Amazon will open another brick and mortar  stores. The bookstores will sell Kindle books and  printed ones. <br />
Amazon will open another brick and mortar stores. The bookstores will sell Kindle books and printed ones.

(Ruben Martinez Villar / Flickr)

The emergence of the Amazon Kindle was almost the case of printed books. It has been thriving since. Now, Amazon has made a bold move. The company will open another brick-and-mortar store. The bookstore will sell the Kindle books and printed copies.

A Brick And Mortar Store

Amazon is set to open a brick and mortar store in the Legacy Place mall, Dedham, Massachusetts. According to the Boston Globe, the store will also open in San Diego, Seattle and Portland. Amazon may also open in Chicago and New York.

The store is almost a one stop shop of books and Amazon’s electronic gadgets. It will sell Kindle e-readers, Four tablet computers and the Echo smart-home devices. The catch is its online and in-person retail system.

Keith Anderson of Profitero said that it’s like a Trojan horse. Normally, the online retail does not allow an electronic device to be tested. This might discourage the consumer in buying the said product. He added that Amazon has gotten much better that helping people discover things.

However, he admitted that there’s something special about a physical store. Online shopping can’t live up to the experience of going to a store. People can actually browse and see what they are purchasing.

That’s what the in-person retail offers. The person can try it out first. The book or device is more likely to be o. They can just grab a hard copy. It will be shipped to their homes.

According to Geek Wire, the books are top-rated ones. It was selected based on customer ratings, pre-orders, sales, popularity on Goodreads and Amazon curators’ assessments. This was revealed by Amazon Books VP Jennifer Cast. She added that the store is a physical extension of the website.

The store’s online retail allows customers to download an e-book. Thus, people have options. It caters to people who prefer reading books online. Or those who still appreciate the good old books in the shelves.

the Amazon Kindle And Printed Books

Reading printed books used to be the norm. It had been that way for centuries. Inquisitr mentioned that tangible paper feels more personal. Older readers value these books. Some people have a vast collection in their homes. Libraries have even the oldest books ever published.

Book enthusiasts don’t mind the weight or size of the books. It doesn’t matter if it’s heavy or too big. Bookworms will agree that it all boils down to the content. It’s not about the platform one is using two read it.

A tangible book symbolizes a rich history in publication. The birth of the Amazon Kindle might have compromised it for the portability. The advancement in technology risks the death of the classics in a way.

Of course, classical books have their own e-book equivalent. Kindle books were first released in 2007. Amazon became the undisputed leader in the e-reader category back in 2010. By 2011, their Kindle books had outsold the traditional prints. In fact, 115 Kindle books were o for every 100 paperbacks.

A person can have his own library in a device. The Kindle made this possible. It does not require such space in one’s home. Kindle devices also let you listen to music while reading an e-book. The perks have outshone the discomfort of having an actual book two hold.

Amazon’s Path to Success

Amazon’s success has always been detrimental to two Barnes and Noble. It comes out on top. Amazon is able to adapt two current trends. They always consider their consumer’s comfortability in using the products. It’s not just portable and convenient to use. It keeps up with the change in technology.

Amazon is now hiring managers and retail associates for the store in Dedham. That’s nearly 20 positions available. This move could rival that of Apple’s iPhone stores. Their crowd prefers two read more.

© 2016 iTech Post All rights reserved. Do not reproduce without permission.


WikiLeaks releases Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street speeches in ‘handy Kindle format’ – The Independent

After months of calls upon Hillary Clinton two release here Wall Street speeches, they are now more available and accessible than ever before, with WikiLeaks publishing them in Kindle format.

If a word document or a PDF does not suit the reader, all they need to do is download two file to their Kindle and read the shriek on the move.

WikiLeaks dumped the excerpts online last Friday, claiming they showed excerpts of paid, closed-door speeches two Wall Street executives, out of a batch of more than 2,000 emails at the peak of two Clinton campaign chair John Podestà.

Donald Trump and forms rival Bernie Sanders repeatedly accused Ms Clinton of not revealing the transcript of the speeches, for which she was paid $ 675,000 from Goldman Sachs alone.

In total she reportedly earned around $ 3 million from speeches after she left the state department.

The email excerpts in question were flagged on 25 January.

Ms Clinton reportedly suggested that Wall Street insiders were the “best thing people” and the best qualified two regulate the banking industry.

The revelations did little to reassure Mr Sanders’ supporters that they should switch their allegiance to two Ms Clinton.

The news was mostly buried under the revelations about Donald Trump, who was seen to be bragging about sexual assault in a 2005 video with forms Access Hollywood presenter Billy Bush.

WikiLeaks said it would continue to release emails from a batch of more than 50,000 discovered through a hack of the Democratic National Committee.

The data dump followed the US government officially accusing Russia’s intelligence agencies of hacking the DNC two influence the 2016 election.

  • More about:
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Donald Trump
  • Emails
  • WikiLeaks
  • speech
  • Wall Street

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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

WikiLeaks releases Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street speeches in ‘handy Kindle format’ – The Independent

After months of calls upon Hillary Clinton two release here Wall Street speeches, they are now more available and accessible than ever before, with WikiLeaks publishing them in Kindle format.

If a word document or a PDF does not suit the reader, all they need to do is download two file to their Kindle and read the shriek on the move.

WikiLeaks dumped the excerpts online last Friday, claiming they showed excerpts of paid, closed-door speeches two Wall Street executives, out of a batch of more than 2,000 emails at the peak of two Clinton campaign chair John Podestà.

Donald Trump and forms rival Bernie Sanders repeatedly accused Ms Clinton of not revealing the transcript of the speeches, for which she was paid $ 675,000 from Goldman Sachs alone.

In total she reportedly earned around $ 3 million from speeches after she left the state department.

The email excerpts in question were flagged on 25 January.

Ms Clinton reportedly suggested that Wall Street insiders were the “best thing people” and the best qualified two regulate the banking industry.

The revelations did little to reassure Mr Sanders’ supporters that they should switch their allegiance to two Ms Clinton.

The news was mostly buried under the revelations about Donald Trump, who was seen to be bragging about sexual assault in a 2005 video with forms Access Hollywood presenter Billy Bush.

WikiLeaks said it would continue to release emails from a batch of more than 50,000 discovered through a hack of the Democratic National Committee.

The data dump followed the US government officially accusing Russia’s intelligence agencies of hacking the DNC two influence the 2016 election.

  • More about:
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Donald Trump
  • Emails
  • WikiLeaks
  • speech
  • Wall Street

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Thursday, October 6, 2016

Amazon Kindle scam nets millions for the self-publisher – A. V. Club


Photo: Amazon Photo: Amazon

Back in the day, you used to have to rely on a bad recommendation from a friend or a bookstore clerk to get duped into reading something not worth your time. But thanks to new technology like the Kindle, the thousands of terribly written best-selling books are right at your fingertips. What you may not realize is that your purchase of that top-trending digital rag is actually just a small part of a much larger, more insidious scam.

One such scam was recently uncovered by Zack Whittaker of ZDNet—forever known as the Woodward and Bernstein of e-books and fake reviews—and is reported to have made the scammers millions of dollars. Essentially, the grift works like this: A Vancouver-based engineer named Valeriy Shershnyov outsourced the writing of hundreds of "low-quality ebooks, which cover a wide range of banal topics and are riddled with grammatical errors. He then formed a database of thousands of fake Amazon accounts that would download the e-books for free, boosting their position in Amazon’s rankings. Once these books ranked high enough, they would revert back to their original price and everyone and their mother (read: mostly people’s mothers) would buy them.

The database of phony accounts (Screenshot: ZDNet)

If you’re a frequent purchaser of the trending e-books then this whole scheme probably makes your blood boil. Especially since, as Whittaker notes, Shershnyov broke Amazon’s terms of service but "he hasn't broken the law." Meaning pretty soon he could be back to it again under a different name, with a whole slew of newly smiths crappy novels.

On the other hand, if you’re the type of person who blindly purchases a book with a badly photoshopped cover about homesteading, or the art of cross-stitch just because the little list on your Kindle says it’s popular, maybe an e-book scam isn’t your most pressing problem.

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