Monday, December 29, 2014

Authors turn up their noses at Amazon’s subscription service – Livemint

Authors turn up their noses at Amazon's subscription service

In 2010, Amazon had 600,000 e-books in its Kindle store. Today it has more than 3 million. Photo: Bloomberg

Authors are upset with Amazon. Again.
For much of the last year, mainstream novelists were furious that Amazon was discouraging the sale of some titles in its confrontation with the publisher Hachette over e-books.

Now self-published writers, who owe much of their audience to the retailer's publishing platform, are unhappy.

One problem is too much competition. But a new complaint is about Kindle Unlimited, a new Amazon subscription service that offers access to 700,000 books—both self-published and traditionally published—for $ 9.99 a month.

It may bring in readers, but the writers say they earn less. And in interviews and online forums, they have voiced their complaints.

"Six months ago people were quitting their day job, convinced they could make a career out of writing," said Bob Mayer, an e-book consultant and publisher who has written 50 books. "Now people are having to go back to that job or are scraping to get by. That's how quickly things have changed."

For romance and mystery novelists who embraced digital technology, loved chatting up their fans and wrote really, really fast, the last few years have been a golden age. Fiction underwent a boom unseen since the postwar era.

Now, though, the world has more stories than it needs or wants to pay for. In 2010, Amazon had 600,000 e-books in its Kindle store. Today it has more than 3 million. The number of books on Smashwords, which distributes self-published writers, grew 20% last year. The number of free books rose by one-third.

Revenue from e-books levelled off in 2013 at $ 3 billion after increasing nearly 50% in 2012, according to BookStats. But Kindle Unlimited is making the glut worse, some writers say.

The programme has the same all-you-can-eat business model as Spotify in music, Netflix in video and the book start-ups Oyster and Scribd. Consumers feast on these services, which can offer new artists a wider audience than they ever could have found before the digital era.

Some established artists, however, see fewer rewards. Taylor Swift pulled her music off Spotify this fall, saying it was devaluing her art and costing her money. "Valuable things should be paid for," she explained.

Holly Ward, who writes romances under the name H.M. Ward, has much the same complaint about Kindle Unlimited. After two months in the program, she said, her income dropped 75%. "I couldn't wait and watch things plummet further," she said on a Kindle discussion board. She immediately left the programme. Kindle Unlimited is not mandatory, but writers fear that if they do not participate, their books will not be promoted.

Ward, 37, started self-publishing in 2011 with Demon Kissed, a paranormal tale for teenagers, and quickly became one of Amazon's breakout successes, selling more than 6 million books, according to her website.

"Your rabid romance reader who was buying $ 100 worth of books a week and funnelling $ 5,200 into Amazon per year is now generating less than $ 120 a year," she said. "The revenue is just lost. That doesn't work well for Amazon or the writers."

Amazon, though, may be willing to forgo some income in the short term to create a service that draws readers in and encourages them to buy other items. The books, in that sense, are loss leaders, though the writers take the loss, not Amazon.

An Amazon spokesman declined to answer questions about Kindle Unlimited. While Jeff Bezos, the company's chief executive, celebrated "authors as customers" as recently as his 2013 letter to shareholders, and the retailer tried to enlist independent writers in its campaign against Hachette this summer, some self-published authors are beginning to suspect that they are just another supplier.

Amazon usually gives self-published writers 70% of what a book earns, which means a novel selling for $ 4.99 yields $ 3.50. This is much more than traditional publishers pay, a fact that Amazon frequently points out. But Kindle Unlimited is less generous, paying a fluctuating amount. In July, the fee for a digital "borrow" was $ 1.80. It fell to $ 1.33 in October before rebounding slightly to $ 1.39 in November.

Since the payment is the same whether the book is long or short, writers are taking the hint. Serial novels and short stories are increasing. Mayer took his $ 3.99 book about seven failures of technology or leadership and broke it into seven individual Kindle Unlimited volumes covering the Challenger explosion, the Titanic sinking, the massacre at Little Big Horn and so on.

"If you're not an author with a slavish fan following, you're in a lot of trouble," Mayer said. "Everyone already has a ton of things on their Kindle they haven't opened."

"In the old days, you had to type the story on actual paper," said Michael Henderson, a former lawyer now living in Venice, Italy. "Make your changes and retype it, or hire someone to do it. It was a herculean effort to get a 400-page manuscript ready. Now any monkey with a computer can do it in hours. Shazam, everyone is a writer."

©2014/The New York Times


Saturday, December 27, 2014

The nine best business books to buy for your new Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle … – CITY A.M.

Thomas PikettyCapital in the Twenty-First Century author Thomas Piketty poses with the hit book. (Source: Getty)

Capital in the Twenty-First Century author Thomas Piketty poses with the hit book. (Source: Getty)

Have you been given a e-book for Christmas? Maybe a Kindle Paperwhite, Kobo or Nook? If you’re really lucky, you may have even got a Kindle Fire.

Are you looking to catch up on some reading during your days off? Planning on developing a new business in the new year?

If you replied yes to one or all of those, then you’ll probably be wanting to get stuck into one of the business books of the year.

Look no further. Filled with seasonal spirit, we’ve complied 2014′s nine best business books for you – and where you can download them – in the list below.

Capital in the 21st Century

By Thomas Piketty

Synopsis: Named the business book of the year by the Financial Times, Capital in the 21st Century studies wealth and income inequality in the Europe and the US since the eighteenth century. French economist Piketty studies data from twenty different countries to reveal how western society has both avoided cataclysmic inequality but may have not made the progress hoped for in an optimistic world post-World War Two.

What the critics say: “So Capital in the Twenty-First Century is an extremely important book on all fronts. Piketty has transformed our economic discourse; we'll never talk about wealth and inequality the same way we used to.” – Paul Krugman, New York Review of Books.

Available on:

  • Kindle: £11.88
  • Kob, £23.99
  • Nook, £17.97

Creativity, Inc. 

By Ed Catmull

Synopsis: A must-have for any manager. Ed Catmull, president of Pixar and Walt Disney Animation, details the commitment to innovation and a culture of creativity that has led to such outstanding success for the company in recent years.

What the critics say: “This is a well-told tale, full of detail about an interesting, intricate business. For fans of Pixar films, it’s a must-read. For fans of management books, it belongs on the “value added” shelf.” – Stewart Pinkerton, The Wall Street Journal.

Available on:

  • Kindle, £6.99
  • Kobo, £9.99
  • Nook, £9.99

This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate

By Naomi Klein

Synopsis: The New York Times bestseller by Canadian Naomi Klein puts forward the argument that serious steps to tackle global warming are impossible under the current era of “neoliberal market fundamentalism.”

What the critics say: “The proposition that the world’s political and economic institutions are preventing us from meeting the lethal challenge of global warming is hardly novel. But Naomi Klein in her new book articulates the case as forcefully and comprehensively as anyone has yet managed.” – Ben Chu, The Independent.

Available on:

  • Kindle, £6.99
  • Kobo, £9.99
  • Nook, £9.99

How Google Works

By Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg

Synopsis: Current Google executive chairman and former chief executive Eric Schmidt share lessons learned from running one of the world’s biggest technology companies.

What the critics say: “This very popular read sees the pair give an entertaining run-down of what working at Google teaches you, and how technology has changed the power balance between firm and consumer. Their exploration of the ‘smart creative’ will also give you some food for thought“. – Harriet Green, City AM.

Available on:

  • Kindle, £9.49
  • Kobo, £12.99
  • Nook, £12.99

Flash Boys

By Michael Lewis

Synopsis: Heard of high-frequency trading, dark pools and flash orders but not exactly sure how it all works? Michael Lewis ventures into the murky financial world to try and shed some light…

What the critics say: “Lewis's skill is in unpicking the complexities of the financial world, providing explanations clear enough for outsiders to understand, and well enough informed to appeal to experts.” – Alex Preston, The Telegraph.

Available on:

  • Kindle, £6.99
  • Kobo, £9.99
  • Nook, £9.99

The Second Machine Age

By Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee

Synopsis: Two MIT professors argue that Western society is on the cusp of technological breakthroughs that will lead to a second age of economic growth.

What the critics say: Drawing on their work at the MIT Center for Digital Business, the authors point to artificial intelligence, exponential increases in computing power, and extensive networks of connected devices as examples of technologies set to radically change the world for the better.” – Liam Ward-Proud, City AM.

Available on:

  • Kindle, £10.47
  • Kobo, £17.27
  • Nook, £10.47

The Hard Thing About Hard Things 

By Ben Horowitz

Synopsis: The co-founder of venture capital firm Andreesen Horowitz uses his favourite rap lyrics to teach you every essential lesson you need to know about running a start-up. 

What the critics say: “Not all his advice is compelling, but there is more than enough substance in Mr Horowitz's impressive tome to turn it into a leadership classic.” - The Economist. 

Available on:

  • Kindle, £5.03
  • Kobo, £7.99
  • Nook, £7.99

Zero to One

By Peter Thiel

Synopsis: Co-founder of PayPal and tech billionaire Peter Thiel shares some thought-provoking ideas on what it really takes for a company to prosper.

What the critics say: “His analysis of our present world is radical but refreshing.” – Liam Ward-Proud, City AM.

Available on:

  • Kindle, £6.99
  • Kobo, £9.99
  • Nook, £9.99

The Innovators

By Walter Isaacson

Synopsis: The story behind the people behind the digital world’s most important inventions. 

What the critics say: “If you've found yourself slipping into dark thoughts recently about whether a robot is going to take your job or online monitoring will lead to a surveillance state, then this tour d'horizon of the computer age is for you.” – Richard Waters, The Financial Times.

Available on:

  • Kindle, £6.99
  • Kobo, £9.99
  • Nook, £9.99


Friday, December 26, 2014

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite vs Nook Glowlight Review: Comparison of Specs … – Christian Post

By Virnelli Mercader , Christian Post Contributor

December 24, 2014|11:08 am

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite vs Nook GlowlightYoutube Screenshot/ file

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite vs Nook Glowlight

Though many are saying that the e-reader is on its way out, voracious readers will say that nothing compares to the e-reader when one wants to settle down with a good e-book in a quiet corner. Because the device is used solely for reading, no one, especially the kids, will be begging to borrow it to log on some time on Facebook, play a game, or watch “Frozen” on it for the umpteenth time, which they can certainly do on a regular tablet. This makes the e-reader the perfect gift for parents who would like to spend some time reading, or for those who want to read without the distraction of anything else that can be found on a tablet or smartphone.

Here, we compare and review two reasonably priced e-readers that offer a great reading experience: the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite and the Nook Glowlight.

The Kindle Paperwhite measures 6.7 x 4.6 x 0.36 inches and weighs 7.3 ounces. It’s housed in a soft touch rubberized coating with a matte black finish and rounded edges, which makes it comfortable to hold. The on switch is the only physical button on the device, and it’s next to the micro USB slot.

The Nook Glowlight measures 6.5 x 5 x 0.39 inches and weighs 6.1 ounces, which is about 15 percent lighter than the Kindle Paperwhite. It has a rubber edging which runs around the entire device which helps protect it during accidental drops, and a bezel on the edge of the screen.

The Kindle Paperwhite only has 2GB of internal storage and no microSD card slot, and the 6-inch screen has a resolution of 768 x 1024. Though the E-Ink screen may have just 16 shades of grey to render text and images, it’s the closest thing to an actual book and it’s easy to read even in direct sunlight. The one fault of the Kindle Paperwhite is that it doesn’t support ePub book formats, because it only uses Amazon’s own AZW format.

Meanwhile, the Nook Glowlight has 4GB internal storage and the 6-inch screen has a resolution of 758 x 1024. The Glowlight emits an even glow across the screen and even at minimum brightness, one will find that it’s still comfortable to read at night. Aside from the books from the Nook Store, the device supports ePub and PDF formats.

The Kindle Paperwhite costs $ 99 while the Nook Glowlight costs $ 115.99.

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  • Christmas In the Red Light District: Indian Slums, a Bethlehem Stable, and a Savior for the World

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    Amazon Kindle Paperwhite vs Nook Glowlight Comparison: Review of Specs … – Christian Post

    By Virnelli Mercader , Christian Post Contributor

    December 24, 2014|11:08 am

    Amazon Kindle Paperwhite vs Nook GlowlightYoutube Screenshot/ file

    Amazon Kindle Paperwhite vs Nook Glowlight

    Though many are saying that the e-reader is on its way out, voracious readers will say that nothing compares to the e-reader when one wants to settle down with a good e-book in a quiet corner. Because the device is used solely for reading, no one, especially the kids, will be begging to borrow it to log on some time on Facebook, play a game, or watch “Frozen” on it for the umpteenth time, which they can certainly do on a regular tablet. This makes the e-reader the perfect gift for parents who would like to spend some time reading, or for those who want to read without the distraction of anything else that can be found on a tablet or smartphone.

    Here, we compare and review two reasonably priced e-readers that offer a great reading experience: the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite and the Nook Glowlight.

    The Kindle Paperwhite measures 6.7 x 4.6 x 0.36 inches and weighs 7.3 ounces. It’s housed in a soft touch rubberized coating with a matte black finish and rounded edges, which makes it comfortable to hold. The on switch is the only physical button on the device, and it’s next to the micro USB slot.

    The Nook Glowlight measures 6.5 x 5 x 0.39 inches and weighs 6.1 ounces, which is about 15 percent lighter than the Kindle Paperwhite. It has a rubber edging which runs around the entire device which helps protect it during accidental drops, and a bezel on the edge of the screen.

    The Kindle Paperwhite only has 2GB of internal storage and no microSD card slot, and the 6-inch screen has a resolution of 768 x 1024. Though the E-Ink screen may have just 16 shades of grey to render text and images, it’s the closest thing to an actual book and it’s easy to read even in direct sunlight. The one fault of the Kindle Paperwhite is that it doesn’t support ePub book formats, because it only uses Amazon’s own AZW format.

    Meanwhile, the Nook Glowlight has 4GB internal storage and the 6-inch screen has a resolution of 758 x 1024. The Glowlight emits an even glow across the screen and even at minimum brightness, one will find that it’s still comfortable to read at night. Aside from the books from the Nook Store, the device supports ePub and PDF formats.

    The Kindle Paperwhite costs $ 99 while the Nook Glowlight costs $ 115.99.

  • ‘The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ Star Brandi Glanville Gives Her Take on Celebrities, Slams Kyle Richards and Tori Spelling

  • Christmas In the Red Light District: Indian Slums, a Bethlehem Stable, and a Savior for the World

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    Monday, December 22, 2014

    Amazon discounts Kindle Fire HDX tablets by 30% for one day – GeekWire

    Photo via Amazon. Photo via Amazon.

    Amazon is hoping to reach holiday gift-shopping procrastinators with a last-minute, one-day deal for its newest tablet.

    The online giant today slashed 30 percent off its 8.9-inch Kindle Fire HDX tablet. You can purchase the 32GB version with "special offers" for $ 299 — down from $ 429 — or nab the 4G LTE-enabled Fire HDX device for $ 369 — down from $ 529.

    You can check out the full range of deals here.

    Amazon has discounted several other devices for the holiday season, knocking off $ 20-to-$ 25 off its Amazon Fire TV, the Fire HD 7, the Kindle, and the Kindle Paperwhite.

    For select Kindle e-readers and Fire tablets, Amazon is offering free two-day shipping through 4 p.m. PT on Dec. 22 — that's today — and free one-day shipping on Dec. 23 until 12 p.m. PT for all customers (not just Prime members). Check out Amazon's other delivery deadlines here.


    Hot deal! Amazon Kindle eReader for $29 – Sun Sentinel

    Wow! Snag an Amazon Kindle half off after rebate at Staples stores.

    Note: The item is out of stock online for free shipping to your door, but are available for free pickup in stores.

    The popular 6-inch 4GB e-Reader with WiFi  is $ 59 with a $ 14 instant rebate from the office-supply store.

    You also get a $ 30 Easy Rebate prepaid Visa card that you can apply for online. No forms to mail in.

    That brings the price to under $ 29.

    Click here for the deal. Shipping is free.

    Doreen’s Deals page on Facebook; follow Doreen Christensen on Twitter@PrettyGoodIdeas and sign up for Deals text alerts

    Copyright © 2014, Sun Sentinel


    PCPer 10 Days of Christmas: Day 7 – Amazon Kindle – PC Perspectives

    Are you still hunting for that perfect gift for the hardware and technology fan in your life? Or maybe you are looking for recommendations to give to your friends and family about what to buy for YOU? Or maybe you just want something new and cool to play with over the break? Welcome to PC Perspective’s 10 Days of Christmas where we will suggest a new item each day for you to consider. Enjoy!

    Since the original introduction of the Kindle e-reader years ago, the Amazon-built device has been considered the best digital reading appliance on the market. That continues to this day, even with the release of the iPad, the widespread sale of Android tablets and even Amazon’s own color screen devices like the Kindle Fire. The eye comfort, extended battery life and low cost continue to drive the Kindle’s dominance in this market.

    View Full Size

    Newly revised with a touch screen e-ink display, the lowest cost Kindle device can now be picked up for under $ 60 if you are cool with some ads showing up on the screen while the device is locked, or $ 80 if you aren’t. E-ink technology provides the key benefits that Kindle has over standard tablets for reading: no backlight is required and thus your eyes have much less strain to focus on the words and the ability to maintain an image on the screen without constant power allows Kindle to last “for weeks” without a recharge.

    View Full Size

    If you or anyone you love is a reader, then you owe it to them to buy a Kindle.

    • Amazon Kindle (with Special Offers) – ($ 59)

    If you are having trouble picking out a gift for a loved one, consider buying an gift card! Amazon has basically every product on the planet for your gift recipient to order and purchasing gift cards through these links directly sponsors and supports PC Perspective! And hey, if you were to buy gift cards for yourself to do your own Amazon-based Christmas shopping…that wouldn’t exactly be a bad thing for us either! ;)

    Did you miss any of our other PCPer 10 Days of Christmas posts?

    • Day 1: Google Nexus 7 Tablet
    • Day 2: Dremel 4000 Variable Speed Rotary Tool Kit
    • Day 3: Intel Core i7-4790K
    • Day 4: Google Chromecast
    • Day 5: EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti SC Graphics Card
    • Day 6: Anker 60W 6-Port Family-Sized Desktop USB Charger


    Sunday, December 21, 2014

    Snag an Amazon Kindle for just $29 (after rebate) – Liliputing

    In the market for an eBook reader and don't need all the bells and whistles? Amazon's entry-level Kindle has a 6 inch, E Ink touchscreen display and a list price of $ 79.

    But Amazon is currently selling that model for just $ 59… and Staples has it for the same price. What's more, Staples is offering a $ 30 Visa prepaid gift card when you buy a Kindle.

    That means you can get an Amazon Kindle for just $ 29 after rebate.


    This isn't last year's model or a refurbished unit. It's a brand new eReader with 4GB of storage, WiFi, and an ePaper display which can handle 16 shades of gray and which has 167 pixels per inch.

    It weighs 6.7 ounces, measures 0.4 inches thick, and offers up to a month of beattery life.

    The entry-level Kindle doesn't have an illuminated screen, a speaker or headphone jack, or a screen that sits flush with the case. You'll need a more expensive (or older) model to get those features.

    But $ 29 is a pretty great price if you're looking for your first eReader or a replacement device.


    Saturday, December 20, 2014

    Kindle Fire Sale Offers New Model for Only $79 – Gotta Be Mobile

    Amazon has been going rather crazy with Kindle deals as we get closer and closer to Christmas, and today's deal is quite bananas. Amazon is having a Kindle Fire sale where it's discounting its new Kindle Fire HD 6 down to just $ 79.

    The Kindle Fire HD 6 is one of Amazon's latest tablets to join the Kindle lineup, and it sports a 6-inch display, along with front and rear cameras, but the real show is on the inside.

    The tablet sports a 1.5GHz quad-core processor, which is absolutely insane for the money you'll pay for it, and Amazon says that you'll experience 2x the speed and over 3x the graphics performance over previous generation Fire HD tablets.

    As for the display, it's a 6-incher with a resolution of 1280×800, which isn't anything to write home about necessarily, but the 252 PPI pixel density is something to admire on a cheaper tablet like this.

    The Kindle Fire HD 6 is regularly priced at $ 99, which is a steal in itself, but $ 79 is rather unheard of. However, it would make for a great Christmas gift for someone who's been wanting a tablet, but you're not wanting to spend an arm and a leg to buy one.

    Kindle Fire HD 6

    The only downside is that the 6-inch Amazon tablet only comes in 8GB and 16GB storage flavors, so you wouldn't be able to store a lot of stuff on it, but as with all Amazon tablets, it's about streaming content from various Prime services, so having lots of storage is something that Amazon really isn't focusing on.

    Amazon has never been shy about discounting its hardware products, dropping the price of its Kindle Fire tablets by $ 50 for Cyber Monday last year, as well as few other models about a week later, and the company even offered some great deals on their tablets this year for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

    You can usually take advantage of Kindle hardware sales throughout the year, so there's almost no reason to not wait for a good deal on a Kindle e-reader or Kindle Fire tablet, but if you're wanting a cheap Kindle Fire tablet, spending only $ 79 for it is about the best deal you can find right now, so don't hesitate if you're looking for a last-minute Christmas gift for that special someone, or just a Christmas gift for yourself (you know you deserve it).


    Of course, you can find Kindle products for cheaper if you wait for a sale on the entry-level Kindle ereader, which was recently on sale for $ 59. It's not the lowest price we've seen for the ereader, as we've seen it for as low as $ 49 in the past, but it's still a really good price.

    The $ 59 will get you the Kindle ereader with Special Offers, meaning that you'll see advertisements here and there. The model without Special Offers (no ads) is on sale as well, priced at just $ 79 (the same price as the ad-filled version at regular price).

    However, if you can handle the occasional ad, $ 59 is a fantastic price for a decent ereader, and it's pretty much an instant buy considering you're only paying that much dough for something that you'll get a ton of use out of if you read a lot, but you'll have to wait for the sale to come around again in order to take advantage of that price.

    Otherwise, $ 79 for the Kindle Fire HD 6 is about the best tablet deal you'll find right now.


    Friday, December 19, 2014

    Amazon: Last-minute deals on Kindle, Fire TV, and Fire tablets – ZDNet

    Summary:Still stuck on that last-minute gift idea for someone? Amazon might have just what you want. Here are some last-minute deals on Kindle, Fire TV, and Fire tablets.

    Trudging around the shops is a pain, so give yourself a break by doing that last-minute shopping from the comfort of your home. And Amazon has some deals that you might be interested in.

    Amazon is offering free two-day shipping through 4:00 PM PT on Monday, December 22 and free one-day shipping on Tuesday, December 23rd until 12:00 PM PT to all customers (regardless of Prime) on select Kindle e-readers and Fire tablets – including Kindle, Kindle Paperwhite, Fire HD, Fire HD Kids Edition, Kindle Fire HDX 7 and Fire HDX 8.9 – as well as Amazon Fire TV and Fire phone.

    Amazon also has a few last minute deals on Amazon devices including:

    • $ 20 off Amazon Fire TV (now $ 79) through 12/28
    • $ 25 off Fire HD 7 (now $ 114) through 12/27
    • $ 20 off Kindle (now $ 59) through 12/27
    • $ 20 off Kindle Paperwhite (now $ 99) through 12/27
    • 30 percent off 32 and 64 GB Fire HDX 8.9 (starting at $ 300) for one day only on 12/22

    These are some great last-minute deals. If you’re looking to pick up a piece of Amazon hardware, this is the time.

    See also:

    • ‘Samsung couldn’t build a good OS if they tried,’ claims Cyanogen CEO
    • Third-party app brings cool iOS 8/OS X Yosemite features to Android
    • Five challenges facing Android in 2015
    • Android smartwatches vulnerable to snooping
    • Android fansite picks iPad Air 2 as top tablet


    Tech Deals of the Week: iPhone 6, Kindle, HTC One (M8 Eye), Laptops … – NDTV

    Every week we handpick the best discounts on gadgets so that you don’t have to waste time looking for the best price. This week, Amazon’s Kindle e-readers are back at a discount, and we tell you where to get the iPhone 6 at the lowest possible price. There’s a great deal on a set of wireless headsets for those who like to listen to their favourite music while working out, a DSLR deal we think you shouldn’t miss, and a portable laptop that’s great for everyday usage.

    Discounts are back on Amazon’s Kindle e-readers
    If you missed Amazon’s GOSF promotional pricing on the Kindle e-readers, you still have one more chance. Amazon is offering a discount of Rs. 1,000 on its all-new Kindle e-reader with touchscreen support, bringing down the price to Rs. 4,999 (regular Rs. 5,999). There’s a flat discount of Rs. 2,000 on the Kindle Paperwhite and the Kindle Paperwhite with cellular variants, which are now available for Rs. 8,999 (regular Rs. 10,999) and Rs. 11,999 (Rs. 13,999) respectively. Kindle e-readers are great devices for reading books when compared to regular tablet devices as they’re easy on your eyes. The battery life on Kindle e-readers lasts a really long time, and that makes it a great e-reader for those who want to read on the go. These discounts are valid till January 1, 2015.

    Link: Amazon

    2. Plantronics Backbeat Fit Bluetooth Headset
    Paytm is running a 50 percent cashback promotion on headsets. You can grab the Plantronics Backbeat Fit Bluetooth headset for as low as Rs. 3,724 (effective) which normally retails for Rs. 5,996 on Flipkart and Croma Retail. Use the promo code BT50 to get the cashback, which is normally credited within 24 hours of placing a pre-paid order, and within 24 hours of delivery for a post-paid order. The Plantronics Backbeat Fit Bluetooth headset is a great choice for those who like to listen to their music while working out. The flexible design fits quite comfortably, and doesn’t move around while you’re running or taking a brisk walk. It’s lightweight, and quite easy to store while you’re travelling.

    Price: Rs. 3,724 (regular Rs. 5,996)

    3. HTC One (M8 Eye)
    You can grab the HTC One (M8 Eye) (Review | Pictures) smartphone for as low as Rs. 33,800 (regular Rs. 36,500) this week. Use the coupon code EBAY10DEAL on eBay India to get a flat discount of Rs. 2,500. The effective price is lower than what most major online retailers are offering currently, but the stocks are limited. The HTC One (M8 Eye) features a Super LCD3 display, running a resolution of 1080×1920 pixels on a 5-inch display panel. The smartphone is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 SoC which includes a quad-core 2.3GHz Krait 400 processor and an Adreno 330 GPU, supported by 2GB RAM. It comes with 16GB on-board memory, while there’ a microSD card slot where you can add extra memory up to 128GB.

    Price: Rs. 33,800 (regular Rs. 36,500)

    4. Apple iPhone 6 16GB
    Paytm is selling the iPhone 6 (Review | Pictures) 16GB for Rs. 49,500 (effective) on a cashback offer. It’s currently the lowest effective price you can get on the iPhone 6 16GB both online and offline. The EMI offers introduced by Infibeam, and several other offline retailers work great if you’re going to buy the iPhone 6 on an EMI. You could still use this offer to get a better overall deal. The Rs. 4,000 that you get as a cashback can take care of your phone bills for around 3-4 months depending on your monthly average usage. Paytm will also accept returns in case you’re not satisfied, within 5 days from delivery. All the iPhones sold on Paytm come with the standard 1-year manufacturer warranty.

    Price: Rs. 49,500 (effective)

    5. Snapdeal’s ‘Salebration’ Sale on Electronics
    Snapdeal is running a New Year promotion across all categories. The online retailer is promising a minimum discount of 20 percent on electronics during the sale. You can expect better deals than GOSF as Snapdeal has removed all seller fees till the middle of January next year. Some sellers might pass on these savings to customers in the form of a discount.

    Under the promotion, Snapdeal will offer a select set of deals with limited stocks as deals of the day, and then there will be specific discounts on each category. Most of these discounts will not need any special promotional code, and the discounts will apply once the user adds a product to their virtual shopping cart. Don’t miss the daily deals, and don’t forget to check specific seller ratings before you hit the buy button.

    Pro tip: Always opt for SD Fulfilled listings on Snapdeal, and check seller rating after entering your PIN code only as sellers are location-specific.

    Link: Snapdeal

    6. Asus 11.6-inch laptop
    If you’re looking for an ultra portable laptop, the Asus 11.6-inch laptop can be bought at an effective price of Rs. 19,750 after cashback. The laptop is normally available for around Rs. 26,500 on most major online retailers. The laptop is powered by an Intel Core i3 processor (4th generation), supported by 4GB RAM. It ships with a 500GB hard drive, but you’ll need to purchase your own copy of an operating system. The laptop is perfect for everyday usage. There’s a memory card reader in-built, a VGA port for hooking up the laptop to an external display or a projector, 2 USB 2.0 ports, and one USB 3.0 port.

    Price: Rs. 19,750 (effective)

    7. Sony ILCE-3500J (With SEL1850 Lens) DSLR camera
    You can grab the Sony ILCE-3500J DLSR for as low as Rs. 17,050 (effective price) this week, making it one of the cheapest DLSRs in the market currently. The camera normally costs around Rs. 23,500 online. It is available for around Rs. 22,800 in retail stores. You could use the Rs. 5,000 you receive as a cashback under this offer for purchasing memory cards, battery packs, or other camera accessories directly at Paytm, which makes this deal even more sweeter. The Sony ILCE-3500J comes with the Exmor APS HD CMOS sensor, and a 3-inch display. The camera comes with standard 2-year Sony India warranty, and ships with free transit insurance.

    Price: Rs. 17,050 (effective)


    Wednesday, December 17, 2014

    Amazon Gifts Kindle iOS a Holiday Gift Basket of Updates – Tech Times

    Kindle iOS

    Goodreads integration headlines an update to the iOS version of the Kindle app. Apple users can now share their progress, quotes and reviews with friends.
    (Photo : Image courtesy of Amazon)

    Just in time for the holidays, and after deploying a hefty package of updates for its Kindle line, Amazon is giving iOS another look and releasing a new care package for the Kindle app that runs on Apple’s mobile platform.

    Amazon is integrating Goodreads into the iOS version of the Kindle app, so users can share their reading progress and highlights with friends.

    The update brought along a new “[g]” button, with which users can share quotes with one another on Goodreads, Facebook or Twitter. After completing a book, users can also use the new button to draft a review at the Before You Go screen. That screen also delivers information about the next book in a series, offering a synopsis of what lies ahead.

    The Goodreads integration also brings the Welcome experience to Kindle’s iOS apps. After rating books you have read and specifying favorite genres, the Goodreads recommendation engine will serve up a relevant selection of book samples.

    Audiobooks can now be played after the downloads have passed the user’s current location in the e-book. The audiobooks can also be played before they have finished downloading.

    Per customer request, Amazon has delivered book details pages that can be called out by tapping and holding onto the cover of a book. Details like reviews and overviews are presented in the book detail pages.

    Rounding out the collection of Kindle iOS updates, Amazon has released a book browser for the iPad. Subscribers to Kindle Unlimited can browse a collection of more than 700,000 books and use the new book detail feature to find out more about interesting titles.

    Amazon released an over-the-air package of updates for its Kindle series back in November, which also brought better Goodreads integration to the e-readers and tablets. That update included several goodies not wrapped in Kindle iOS’ latest gift basket.

    In the November update, the Kindle series received family sharing, a book loaning feature, and an update X-Ray tool, which allows users to scan both their libraries and the Kindle Store. The headlining feature of the November update, Word Wise was launched to help young readers better leverage Kindle’s dictionary and to do so without completely breaking the pace of reading.

    “Word Wise makes it easier for kids learning to read and readers learning English to understand more challenging books more quickly, with short and simple definitions that automatically appear above difficult words,” said Peter Larsen, vice president of Amazon Devices.

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