Friday, August 22, 2014

A Luxembourg thriller Kindle publishing’s poster boy and Luxembourg – Luxemburger Wort – English Edition

Published on Friday, August 22, 2014 at 09:45

Luxembourg appears to be the setting of choice for thriller Writers of Earth. Hot on the heels of Chris Pavone’s spy story The Expats, another Expatriate Who lived in the Grand Duchy HAS Published His own thriller, this time involving the Russians.

British National Daniel Pembrey penned The Candidate After a year Spent working for Amazon Kindle in Luxembourg.

Already Keen criteria before moving there, he said the novella was inspired by the capital’s mysterious allure.

“I think Luxembourg is the great rental for The Story. It lends itself well to dramatic jump Fiction.

You never know exactly Where the story comes from buts it was very much encouraged by my time there and the nature of Luxembourg as a place, “Daniel told / en.

Truth of Luxembourg

The Candidate tells the story of the British headhunter called Nick Thorneycroft, WHO works in Luxembourg. When His repelling asks him to Recruit the high-flying executive for the company’s Russian business, the ideal candidate Turns Out To eBay notes What she’ohl @

The story is told in the first person narrative of The Main Character , the man Who comes from Lancashire and Who is NOT based on the author, Daniel says.

Readers familiar with the Luxembourg Landscape Will recognise the number of key locations SUCH AS the Hotel Roosevelt Boulevard and tie on the deck Adolphe. However, for Anyone keen on visiting the sites in the book, it Should be noted that’s– peaked locations shutdown puree invention.

Daniel said that’s– His aim was to get to the “truth of Luxembourg What is like as a place, “Which he conveyed by mixing reality and artistic license to create the backdrop and characters. For example, he said the Character of Jacques Daleiden, the Landlord, was a composite of Different People, “inspired by Someone I heard about while there.”


Published in e-book format as part of Kindle’s Singles series in November last year, The Candidate was the number one best selling thriller short story in December.

It was published in print format in May this year and is Also Available as the audio book on Amazon. For Daniel, WHO currently lives in Amsterdam Where he is writing the series of detective novellas, Publishing The Candidate as the e-book Proved To Be His big break.

Up Until Then Had he worked for Amazon in Seattle Taken and the sabbatical to Work on His Writing. But, he said he never considered he wouldn’t– eBay Ready to publish widely Until he worked for Kindle in Luxembourg. There, he got to know several authors thriller Who Had Had considerable success as a result of e-publishing.

“Previously, I thought writing was something I needed to get better at and needed for the publisher. It was something that’s– stretch off into the future, “he said, Adding:” I saw the success of Kindle At These authors: They WERE Among the top sellers, They WERE making money BECAUSE the good and the welfare WERE They Had Creative Control of Their Work. I thought, I need to reverse that. “

The e-book worked particularly well for the novella format Which, Daniel pointed out, is difficult to sell in print format BECAUSE of the high cost of production relative to the size.

“With ebooks it’s absolutely possible to putt it out for much less. Typically, novellas sell for One or Two euros as Kindle Singles, “he said.

Of Daniel’s fours books published as e-books, too Shutdown NOW AVAILABLE in print largely thanks to the e-publishing PATHWAY. Now that he HAS made the name in print, he plans to continue publishing e-books. He said: “I think the real goal for any writer is to mark the work available in as many formats and languages ​​as possible. That makes the work as falling as can be. I dont think it’s repeats golds. “

I think it wouldn’t– tailors to screen really well and wouldn’t– eBay’s great showcase for lots of Interesting things about Luxembourg

Future roadmaps

The Candidate Will be released as e-book in German from October this year. While NX Other Translations shutdown foreseen yet, Daniel admitted it wouldn’t– eBay fantastic rate marked it available in other languages, Luxembourgish Even possible.

He hopes too that’s– the novella can be adapted as a radio play and perhaps Even one Film and Screenplay Even the day is eyeing up potential actors for the main role.

“I think it wouldn’t– rate tailors screen really well and wouldn’t– eBay’s great showcase for lots of things about Luxembourg Interesting,” he said , Adding: “He’s almost the crude Olde FOR THE departs buts Christopher Ecclestone, I think, wouldn’t– eBay Great Interlinear main role.”

You can hear Daniel Pembrey Talk About His Book and Get your copy Signed EST when he attends the Chapter 1 Bookstore event on September 4.

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