Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Amazon.com rolls out Kindle Matchbook details to publishers - Talking New Media

The online retailer Amazon.com rolled out its Kindle Matchbook program to publishers through its Kindle Direct Publishing eNewsletter this morning. The program allows publishers to discount their eBooks to customers who have already purchased the print copy.

KindleMatchbook-header-smHere are the details sent out to publishers today:

  1. Select your Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) title on your KDP Bookshelf and check the enroll box for Kindle MatchBook on the "Rights & Pricing" page.
  2. Set the discount for your Kindle book, available on Amazon.com, by choosing a promotional list price of $ 2.99 or less.
  3. "Save" your Kindle MatchBook preferences.

Amazon says the discounts will not appear online until after the program officially launches. Publishers will receive an email from Amazon when the discount goes live.

The program can also work a bit in reverse. That is, if a publisher has launched an eBook only, they can decide to launch a print edition through Amazon's CreateSpace program, its print-on-demand service.

Amazon recently expanded its Kindle Direct Publishing program to Mexico, opening up the Kindle store to publishers who choose to use Amazon's own eBook publishing service.

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