Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Good Samaritan gives Las Vegas homeless man a Kindle – Daily Mail

  • The San Diego man was on a business trip in Las Vegas when he saw Paul
  • He struck up a conversation about books and found he only had one
  • He reached into his bag and gave him his Kindle with over 300 books on it 

A good Samaritan did a good deed for a homeless man by giving him a Kindle to pursue his love of reading. 

The San Diego man, who wishes to remain anonymous, would take frequent business trips to Las Vegas when he’d often see a homeless man reading one book repeatedly.

During his last visit, he decided to strike up a conversation with the man, called Paul, about his book and soon found out that he loved to read, but only had one book.

Reading: Paul told the man that he loved to read books, but unfortunately he only had one book to read

Reading: Paul told the man that he loved to read books, but unfortunately he only had one book to read

The man told The Huffington Post: ‘I just asked him if he liked to read. He said he loved to but that he had been reading that one book over and over for a while now.’

In a kind gesture, the man remembered that he was carrying his Kindle in his bag, and decided to give it to Paul and teach him how to use it. 

It was soon clear how much Paul enjoyed using the device – which is an e-reader by Amazon.

He decided to take a picture of Paul and his new Kindle, and shared it on Reddit on Thursday under the username, mjuad.

The photograph quickly went viral, receiving nearly two million views on Imgur – which describes itself as the Internet’s visual storytelling community where people post pictures.

He said: ‘It brought me a lot of joy to see someone getting so much from something that I gave them. It feels so good to see someone get so much for something I took for granted.’

Luckily, Paul does not need to download books. The Kindle is already stocked with around 300 books.

In another grand gesture, the man gave Paul an address where he could send the device, cash on delivery, should he need more reading material. 

He told the website: ‘If I can keep someone from going hungry for a day or brighten their day/life up in any way, I always try to do my best.

‘I’m also hoping that by sharing this, I will encourage others to do something kind as well.’




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