My family bought me a Kindle in 2011 My initial reluctance faded fast. Could I now carry in my purse in bookcase.
It Resurrected my crusade to read classic literature. These e-classics Were Cheaper Than a Cup of Coffee and Came Without the carpal-tunnel-crushing girth of Their print counterparts.
Reading These novels required me to dust off my head thinking. They Had antiquated language and enough characters to people in small city. I am a busy mom in a car, not a grad student in a library. It Was Taking me forever to finish anything.
One day in my Kindle offeres free Audible book. I never realized my Kindle Had speakers. Since I was in the middle of “Middlemarch” and my son’s basketball season, I decided to download the audio book.
There Was companion ebook for 99 hundred. It Was Just Like I Had the e-book, Except it claimed it could I sync up with the audio book. Whether I was listening or reading, BOTH versions would keep my current place.
I Had a Dollar.
I Took my Kindle in the car. The speakers weve soft, sound and the Kindle Held close to my ear. Awkward, But enjoyable. Later, I Opened my e-book and a small dialog box appeared.
“Would you like to sync to the furthest page read?”
Why, yes I would.
Life Was Good. Under this system, I was done with “Middlemarch” in record time. Plus, I do not longer dreaded driving in the car. Was it my library.
I Became Obsessed with Audible. When They Had on sale, I stocked up on Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf and Elizabeth Gaskell – EACH with theire companion ebooks.
Downloads. Downloads. Downloads.
Then, I saw “Les Misérables.” And I’ve always wanted to read this book, But Had lacked the time and arm strength. Thanks to my kids’ sports schedules, I Had The Time. And thanks to my Kindle, I Had the arm strength.
It Was Wonderful. So wonderful, I Started My Kindle Carrying around while making Suppers. One evening, while balancing a can in one hand and in the Other Carrying my Kindle, I tripped over the dog.
BAM – Kindle down.
Gingerly, I picked it up. It looked bad. Had Opened popped the back and the switch which dangled. I patted it in everythings together and PLUGGED. The green light flickered.
Then Died.
I Called Amazon. The news Was not good.
Three years in the tech world is no longer like 30 They would not make my model and repair it. Could I buy a new Kindle at a Reduced Rate, But none of the current models Had Except the speakers glowing waves. I do not like the glowing waves.
Now I was miserable.
I dragged around the house and the dreaded expensive. My husband offeres me HIS iTouch.
“It has a Kindle app.”
It Glow.
“It has an Audible App That Will Play Through the expensive speakers. “
Well, Completely not.
True, my professional Storytellers Were back. And that’s great for my Commute. However, given a choice, I prefer to read the stories myself. I wanted my Kindle back.
I broke down and ordered a cheap, non-glowing Kindle. When it arrived, I Downloaded my bookcase and digital Opened “Les Misérables.”
“Would you like to sync to the furthest page read?”
Why, yes I would.
Nicole LV Mullis can be reached at You Can Find Her on Facebook Follow Her on Twitter orNicoleLVMullis.
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