Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Apple’s iBook Prepares To Overtake Kindle In War Of The Mobile Readers – Forbes

Amazon's Kindle book-reading technology has enjoyed some years of pre-eminence. But a study released today (Tuesday 7 October) shows Apple Apple's rival iBook platform gaining ground.

Conducted by Publishing Technology, the joint US and UK survey shows that among the crucial 'millennials' age group (18 to 24) Amazon's Kindle holds a mere 2 per cent advantage over iBooks, as more young consumers adopt iPhones and their accompanying technology.

"This raises a question mark over how long Amazon can hold onto its lead in the reading platform space," said Michael Cairns, CEO of Publishing Technology. Kindle's overall advantage remains at 19 per cent over iBooks in the UK, with 50 per cent using the platform compared to 31 per cent using iBooks, 9 per cent using Kobo and 6 per cent Nook.

But iPhones are the preferred handsets among UK mobile technology readers, at 40 per cent, with Samsung in second place on 28 per cent. HTC HTC and Nokia Nokia each have 7 per cent of the market.

Two thirds of respondents (72 per cent in the US, 59 per cent in the UK) now read more on their mobiles than they did a year ago and 23 per cent of millennials who read on their mobiles do so every day.

The survey will make pleasant reading for Apple executives, still smarting from security concerns over the company's cloud services which led to naked celebrity pictures circulating online, followed by 'bendgate', where the new iPhone 6 was found to buckle under pressure.

It also confirms Apple's wisdom in making the iPhone 6 screen larger than its predecessors, allowing owners to read books more easily and therefore competing more closely with Kindle hardware. "As phablets become more widespread and platforms develop the mobile reading experience, we can expect mobile phone book reading to continue to grow rapidly in the years to come," added Cairns.

Of the consumers surveyed who did not read books on their mobile phones, 13 per cent said they would be persuaded to start doing so if 'shorter form content' became available.

It downloads in a few seconds to the device, a...

It downloads in a few seconds to the device, and it is also available on the iPhone. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This point is already feeding through to the publishing industry, with authors and publishing houses responding to this demand with bite size content, just as Twitter Twitter has spread across the globe by insisting upon brevity.

It is unwelcome news for writers who are paid by the word, but will suit those who have adapted to the needs and quirks of social media and mastered the short sharp sentence.

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