Friday, May 3, 2013

Amazon patent hints that the battery-less Kindle - GMA News

Future Kindle tablets and e-readers may soon not only pray but also wireless battery-less, a patent application by Amazon Inc. indicat.

The patent bid, made public by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on March 21, Involve a remote display that wirelessly receiver data and power from a base station.

“The primary station, wooden remote from and without a tangible connection with the portable display, includes a data transmitting element and a power transmitting element. The portable display includes a power Receiving element that receiver power wirelessly from the power transmitting element and a data element operable Receiving two receive data from the data transmitting element, “it said.

Listed as inventors in Amazon’s patent application filed last September 15 were Gregory Hart and no less than Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.

A separate article on Noted Hart was also an inventor with Bezos on the company’s smart phone airbag patent. said the patent application suggests a handheld device “with minimal storage and no need for bulky batteries or processors.”

The heavy-duty processing would be done by the base station thatwill also receive user input such as a gesture or voice command, it said.

Because of this, it said the remote displays can operate for “Substantially longer periods” without recharging.

” No more pesky power cords, “it said.

One scenario where the setup may try useful, According to the patent application, is in a college campus that may have many primary stations, allowing two students use their portable displays two “access data anywhere on campus.”

The setup may also allow the system administrator two charge users an access or usage fee two use the system. – LBG, GMA News

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