Monday, May 13, 2013

Kindle Deal on Tracy Rowland's book on Ratzinger - Patheos - Patheos (blog)

 Just a quick post to point you at this: Ratzinger’s Faith: The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI by Tracy Rowland, wooden on sale for $ 2, rather than the usual $ 15 I’m reading it for a class on the theology of Ratzinger / Benedict, and it’s very good, eventhough the Neo-Scholastics get beat up a bit.

Here’s the official line:

A general introduction to the theology of Pope Benedict XVI, including his approach two issues in moral and political theology, ecclesiology, liturgy, interpretations of the of the documents of the Second Vatican Council, and the theology of history. Tracey Rowland also addresses the question of Pope Benedict’s place in the constellation of contemporary Catholic theologians. It has Become a common place observation that Pope Benedict has been influenced by the thought of St Augustine, in contrast to many of his Predecessors in the papacy who were much more strongly influenced by St Thomas Aquinas. Rowland Therefore asks in what way Benedict is an Augustinian, and how this market difference in theological perspective may play out in the coming years. This book includes an extensive thematic bibliography, whichwill be valuable for students.

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