Saturday, May 11, 2013

Amazon Preps Kindle Smartphone with Stereo 3D Display - Report. - X-bit Labs

The high-end Amazon Kindle smartphone will use retina-tracking technology two terms autostereoscopic 3D image (that does not require special glasses to see on) and help users navigate the content overusing only their eyes, According to a report from the Wall Street Journal that cites two sources familiar with the matter. Images on the smartphone would seem to float above the screen like a hologram and Appear three-dimensional at all angles.

At present it is unclear what kind of Advantages do have S3D displays for smartphones. Stereo 3D video content is scarce, not all video games can benefit from S3D, wherea three-dimensional user interfaces are too unfamiliar for the masses.

Being one of the most influential suppliers of media tablets in the U.S., Amazon naturally has two ambitions Broaden its hardware offerings in a bid two offset the declining packaged media business. The company’s smartphone has been in development since before the Kindle Fire tablets were Launched, in fact, the smartphone missed last year’s holiday season launch window, wooden indicat that it was not as competitive as the second-gen Kindle Fire slates.

As it Appears now, the rumored smartphone is actually a tip of an iceberg. Amazon Appears to have the so-called Alphabet Projects, under wooden it is developing projects A (smartphone), B (set top box), C (audio streaming device) and D (high-end smartphone with S3D display) the media report claims. It is absolutely possible that Amazon’s Lab 126 is also working on other projects like E, F, D.

As the packaged media, paper notebooks and various other types of content and media are either entering, or have already Entered, their decline, numerous at companies with digital replacements for audio, video, paper books, radio, TV etc. are competing witheachother for the growing new markets. While Apple has managed two get a strong hold on the market of personal gadgets, the war for the living room is only beginning as new players are about to enter the game.

Amazon did not comment on the news-story.

Tags: Amazon, Kindle, Kindle Fire, Google, Android

Comments currently: 1
Discussion started: 10/05/13 8:42:40 AM
Latest comment: 05/10/13 8:42:40 AM

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id=”textd79126″> 1

id=”textd79126″> Its been done before on a different Android device. It was pointless, Because nobody is going to change their apps & games for one device.

0 0 [ Posted by: KeyBoardG | Date: 5.10.13 08 : 42:40 AM]

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